Special Education
Special Education Program
Dr Tosha A. Middlebrooks
214 North Highland Ave.
Cuthbert, Georgia 39840
Phone: 229-732-2278
Fax: 229-732-3310
Email: tosha.middlebrooks@sowegak12.org
IDEA 2004 mandates special education services and supports be provided through the public school for young children with disabilities beginning at age 3.
IDEA also mandates a "transition conference" between the BCW service coordinator, the family, and the local school system (LSS) to begin as early as nine months before, but no later than 90 days before the child's third birthday.
A parent/guardian must provided consent to the BCW Service Coordinator before the coordinator contacts the LSS for a meeting.

Dr. Tosha A. Middlebrooks Director of Special Education
Phone Number: 229-732-2278
Fax number: 229-732-3310
Ruby Knauls
Special Education Secretary
Phone Number: 229-732-2051
Debbie Lucas
Pre-School Disability Coordinator
Phone Number: 229-732-2229
If you suspect an infant, child or young adult of having a development delay or disability, your school can open a window of hope for a brighter future. Services at no cost to the family are available to all eligible individuals from 3 through 21 years of age regardless of the severity of their disability.
Special services are available to eligible infants, children and young adults identified with a disability who may be experiencing difficulties in one or more of the following areas:
*Auditory Impairment
*Autism* Deaf
* Blindness
*Emotional Disturbance
*Intellectual Disability (mild, moderate, severe, profound)
*Other Health Impairment
*Orthopedic Impairment
*Significant Developmental Delays
*Specific Learning Disability
*Speech or Language Impairment
*Traumatic Brain Injury
*Visual Impairment
Click here for the CHILD FIND PROCEDURES